Saksham Tutorials is a premier IIT /MAINS/ PMT Coaching organization, which was started in 2009. Since its inception the organization is destined to orient students into correct path by providing perfect coaching to achieve success in different competitive exams.
Saksham Tutorials is known for its quality coaching, highly disciplined teaching methodology, high level of satisfaction among students, its authenticity and transparency. The Institute is known for its innovative methodologies. Every year, year after year, our students successfully pave their way to leading colleges like IITs and NITs. The Organization aims to orient students into right path by providing PERFECT GUIDANCE to achieve success in IIT/MAINS/ PMT and other competitive exams
To provide unmatched excellent education that enriches lives and creates success for our students.
To be the best education service providing organization known for setting benchmarks in academic excellence, student satisfaction and result orientation.
Learning Philosophy
At Saksham Tutorials, only education matters. Education is not only the means to success but also an end in itself. It is the only path to continuous growth and development. In order to make this journey truly successful, genuine endeavors are required on the part of both the student and the mentor. These endeavors achieve desired when there is complete harmony between the student and the mentor, as regards all aspects that comprise learning.
However, students differ from one another in terms of their learning potential and have different learning curves. Herein the role of a mentor assumes critical importance; the efficacy of the learning delivered depends on his ability to understand the special requirements of each and every student. If the mentor is able to fine tune the learning process as per these requirements then learning assumes a different dimension altogether. Thus, creating an experience which is truly enriching for both the student and the mentor.